About Us

International Investor


For several decades, the Kanji leadership team has worked in global banking, international transactions, and real estate. Well diversified, the team has first-hand experience with the challenges for international investors in their own domestic markets including liquidity risks, currency volatility, high transaction costs, and asymmetric information. Add to those, there are often significant country-specific economic, political and societal uncertainties that create significant risk to predict business performance and investment returns.

For those who wish to invest in the United States markets, the legal, regulatory and money movement poses significant challenges that impede many.

While onerous to transact, the US investment markets still present some of the most advantageous conditions for investors to research, select and deploy capital to grow with established institutions that protects investor rights.

Acknowledging investor demand to simplify investing in the U.S. markets, Kanji was formed to source and present deals for international investors wishing to deploy their capital in a stable and investor-friendly environment.

In addition to a robust technology platform, the Kanji leadership team has profoundly meaningful relationships with C-suite leaders in finance, government and across each Kanji market focus area. Those relationships are the source of many of the exclusive deals Kanji makes available to foreign financial institutions, corporations, international institutional investors, family offices and others.

  • SIMPLICITY – Hassle-free onboarding through our streamlined process that eliminates tedious paperwork by automating data entry and approval routing.

  • TRANSPARENCY – Integrity, credibility, and validation of our research and due diligence is paramount to our investors’ success.

  • COMMITMENT – Committed to provide our clients with additional value outside of investing by connecting them with services and consultants

  • ACCESSIBILITY – Complete access to all information, legal, and technical documents from the portal through our partner companies and third-party service providers.

  • AUTHENTICITY – Our clients are our top priority. You can count on our reputation of excellence and strong relationships built on trust.

  • CONSISTENCY – To establish a truly sustainable competitive advantage, our focus is on prioritizing and delivering services that meet our clients’ needs and align with their values.


Kanji’s legal structure was established offshore with proposed investments all conducted in the US in a manner reasonably designed to comply with the necessary regulatory and authoritative bodies.